Vocabolario dinamico dell'Italiano Moderno


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Elementi di genetica

Giuseppe Montalenti 50 occorrenze
  • 1939
  • L. Cappelli Editore
  • Bologna
  • biologia
  • w
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Elementi di genetica

P.N.A. = Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U. S. A. (Filadelfia).

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Elementi di genetica

P.R.S. = Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B.

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Elementi di genetica

Eugenical Review (ed. The eugenic Society, Londra), vol. XXX, 1938.

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Elementi di genetica

Bateson, W. - The progress of Genetics. P. R. B., I, 1907.

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Elementi di genetica

Bateson, W. e Collaboratori - Reports to the Evolution Commettee of the Royal Society. I-V, 1902-1909.

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Elementi di genetica

Mc Dougall, W. - An experiment for the testing of the hypothesis of Lamarck. Brit. Journ. of Psychology, XVII, 1927.

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Detlefsen, J. A. - The inheritance of acquired characters. P.R.V., 1925.

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Elementi di genetica

Hagedoorn, A. L. - The genetic factors which influence the coat color. Z. I. A., VI, 1912.

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Bateson, W. e Punnett, R. C. - A suggestion as to the nature of the walnut comb in fowls. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc., 1905 (cfr. inoltre Bateson

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Hance, R. T. - The somatic chromosomes of the chick and their possible sex- relations. S., LIX, 1924.

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Shiwago, P. J. - The chromosome complex in the somatic cells of male and female of the domestic chicken. S., LX, 1924.

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Winge, O. - On the nature of the sex chromosomes in Humulus. H., XII, 1909.

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Wilson, E. B. - The chromosomes in relation to the determination of sex in Insects. S., XXII, 1905.

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Oguma, K. - Problems of the human chromosomes and their solution. Proc.

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– – The location of eighteen genes in Lebistes reticulatus. J.G., XVIII, 1927.

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Nabours, R. K. - The genetics of the Tettigidae (Grouse Locusts). B. G., V, 1929.

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Gulick, A. - What are the genes? I. The genetic and evolutionary picture, Q. R. B., XIII, 1938.

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Elementi di genetica

Plough, H. H. - The effect of temperature on linkage in the second chromosome of Drosophila. J. E. Z., XXIV, 1917.

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Eloff, G. A. - Theoretical and experimental study on the changes in the crossing-over value, their causes and meaning. B. G., IX, 1932.

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Elementi di genetica

Federley, H. — The conjugation of the chromosomes. P. VI C., 1932.

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Painter, Th. S. - Salivary chromosomes and the attack of the gene, J. H., XXV, 1934.

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Elementi di genetica

Wenrich, D. H. - The spermatogenesis in Phrynotettix magnus. Bull. of the Mus. of Comp. Zool. Harvard Univ., IX, 1916.

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Duerden, J. E. - Crossing the north african and the south african Ostrich. I. G., VIII, 1919.

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East, E. M. - Heredity in the genus Fragaria with special reference to the false hybrids of Millardet. V. V K., I, 1927.

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Bateson, W. - Materials for the study of variation. Londra, Macmillan, 1894.

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Elementi di genetica

Harrison, J. W. H, e Garrett, F. C. - The induction of melanism in the Lepidoptera and its subsequent inheritance. P. R. S. IC, 1926.

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Elementi di genetica

Jollos, V. - Some attempts to test the role of cosmic radiation in the production of mutations in Drosophila melanogaster. G., XXII, 1937.

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Elementi di genetica

Blakeslee, A. F. - The globe in the Jimson weed (Datura stramonium). G.. VI, 1921.

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Painter, T. S. - The chromosome constitution of the Little and Bagg abnormal eyed mice. A. N., LXII, 1928.

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Elementi di genetica

Crew, F. A. E. - The sex ratio. Nature (Londra) 1937.

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Elementi di genetica

Dobzhansky, Th. e Schultz, J. - The distribution of sex factors in the X- chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster. J. G., XXVIII, 1934.

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Domm, L. V. - New experiments on ovariotomy and the problem of sex inversion in the fowl. J. E. Z., XLVIII, 1927.

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Lillie, F. R. - The free-martin. A study of the action of sex hormones in foetal life of the cattle. J. E. Z., XXIII. 1917.

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King. H. D. - Studies on sex determination in Amphibians. IV. The effects of external factors, acting before or during the time of fertilization on

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Kornhauser, S. J. - The sexual characteristics of the membracid Thelia bimaculata (Fabre). I. External changes induced by Aphelopus theliae (Gahan

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Willier, B. H., Gallagher, T. F. e Koch, F. C. - The modification of sex development in the chick embryo by male and female sex hormones. P. Z., X

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Keck, W. N. - The control of the secondary sex characters in the English sparrow Passer domesticus. J. E., Z. LXVII, 1934.

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Kozelka, A. W.- Integumental grafting as a means of analyzing the factors determining the secondary sexual characters of the Leghorn fowl. J. E. Z

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Sturtevant, A. H. - The use of mosaics in the study of the developmental effects of genes. P. VI C. 1932.

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Woodger, J. H. — The concept of organism and the relation between embryology and genetics. III. Q. R. B., VI, 1931.

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Elementi di genetica

Sturtevant, A. H. - The effect of unequal crossing over at the Bar locus of Drosophila. G., X, 1925.

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Bridges, C. B. - The bar gene a duplication. S., LXXXIII. 1936.

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– – The evolutionary modification of genetic phenomena. P. VI C., 1932.

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Nilsson, H. - The problem of the origin of species since Darwin. H., XX., 1935.

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Little, C. C. - The relation of coat color to the spontaneous incidence of mammary tumors in mice. Journ. Exper. Medicine, LIX, 1934.

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Stockard, C. B. - The effect on the offspring of intoxicating the male parent and the transmission of defects to subsequent generations. A. N., XLVII

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Holmes, S. J. - The trend of the race. New York, Harcourt, Brace and Co. 1921.

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Crew, F. A. E., e Buchanan Smith, A. D. - The genetics of the horse. B. G. VI, 1930.

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Elementi di genetica

Crew, F. A. E. - The science of genetics and its application to stock breeding Journ. of the Univ. College of Wales, 1926.

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Elementi di genetica

Darbishire, A. D. - Breeding and the mendelian discovery. Londra, 1912.

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